Mary Holland - AFM and Vaccines, Daniel Tague - Car Accident Prevention #916

We are back from the holiday and ready for a great year on One Life Radio! Our first show for the year is full of important information. Mary Holland, Director of the Graduate Legal Skills Program at NYU, updates us on the state of vaccines in the U.S. and how they may be tied to the recent outbreak of Acute Flaccid Myelitis (AFM). With 186 confirmed cases, children with AFM is on the rise. You may have heard of AFM as the "polio-like" disease, affecting mostly children. The illness affects the nervous system and causes the muscles to become weak, similar to symptoms found in Polio cases. We discuss possible ties to the increase in AFM cases and the increased number of vaccines recommended by the Center of Disease Control (CDC).

We also talk about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccine. Holland and her colleagues uncovered information regarding the initial clinical trials for the HPV vaccine Gardasil, developed by Merck Pharmaceuticals. What they uncover is truly alarming. Holland believes that all parents should educate themselves about the pros and cons of this vaccine.

Daniel Tague talks car accident prevention in the last segment. The first tip and most important is to pay attention! Too many drivers are on their phones, eating, putting make-up on and more. Your car is a weapon and we need to treat it that way. Luckily there are lawyers who specialise in this area like Frost Law Group, LLC, but it is of course better to avoid accidents at all costs.Accidents on the road cause more accidents than we'd like to count so don't add to it. If you've been injured in an accident, you may wish to reach out to someone like a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer to help you proceed with your potential claim. Pay attention on the road! Listen to the show for all the tips from Daniel and some interesting statistics on accidents in the U.S. Following an accident, it's important to be diligent in protecting your evidence that you have gathered from the scene as this will help your lawyer to build a more concrete case.

Original air date: January 2nd, 2019


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