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Maura Davies - SPCA, Darshan Goswami - Climate Change, Mo Brossette - Speaking Calmly #1270

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Maura Davies, Darshan Goswami, and Mo Brossette

Happy Friday!

TGIF! It is a hazy day here in Texas, but that isn’t stopping us from bringing sunshine to the air waves! Bernadette reminds us that we are one world, and even the things we do in one place effect the whole planet!

Maura Davies, SPCA of Texas

We welcome our almost furry friend Maura Davies, Vice President Communications Director of the SPCA of Texas! The SPCA of Texas stresses that having a pet is a lifetime commitment and that animals need to be respected, just like humans! To keep our pets safer during this COVID-19 crisis, we must mental and physical health. Exercise both! Take your dog on a walk and play some fetch, but, remember to wipe their paws down just like you would you hands. Maura Davies SPCA pro tip is to get creative! Order some fun toys for your pets, but remember to keep yourself healthy too so that you can be healthy for your furry friend.

Darshan Goswami

Darshan Goswami has more than 40 years of experience in the energy field. He worked as a Project Manager for Renewable Energy, Micro-grid and Smart Grid projects at the United States Department of Energy (DOE) in Pittsburgh. Mr. Darshan retired as Chief Head of Renewable Energy Department from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in Washington, DC. What a treat to have him on the show and on this planet!Darshan explains the difference between climate change and global warming. Global warming is a symptom of climate change. Climate change is posing a serious threat to our planet and we must arm ourselves with knowledge! To help Darshan help underprivileged children and women in India, go to to donate, every dollar counts!

Mo Brossette

Mo Brossette has been in the health and fitness industry for over 24 years, and he is currently the Director of Mindset and Nutrition at The Adaptive Training Foundation. We receive information differently that the person next to us. TO communicate effectively, Mo says that we need to LISTEN to each other! The key to a healthy conversation that has differing opinions is speaking calmly, kindly, and with open ears. A healthy conversation is one without ego and pride. There is currently so much dissent on this planet, so we need to be able to communicate effectively to keep the peace!

Thank You

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