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Monica Berg - Rethinking Love, Drew Manning - Fit2Fat2Fit #1274

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Monica Berg and Drew Manning

Happy Thursday!

We hope everyone is having a great week! Today we have two huge guests! Fit2Fat2Fit and #1 Keto Expert, Drew Manning is here to discuss why he ran 100 miles in 24 hours! Monica Berg is back to discuss her book "Rethink Love."

Rethinking Love With Monica Berg

Monica Berg is here to help us divulge our feelings surrounding love. Monica says that at the beginning of new romantic relationships, we can often confuse love for merely lust. Steer clear of becoming intimate too quickly in a new relationship! Becoming intimate too early can confuse the brain and not allow you to make logical decisions about the relationship. Always remember to practice mindfulness! Our brain can lie to us, so remember to pay attention to relationship red flags. Communication and dedication are what makes relationships fun, so remember to take time to enjoy the little things.

Fit2Fat2Fit With Drew Manning

Health and fitness expert Drew Manning is the New York Times best-selling author of "Fit2Fat2Fit: The Unexpected Lessons from Gaining and Losing 75 LBs On Purpose." Today, Drew tells One Life Radio all about his 100 mile run he completed in 24 hours. After training for a combination of 6 week and 7 month bursts, Drew credits the ketogenic diet for his success! Your diet is a tool in your tool belt that you can use on your journey to health!

Thank You

Want to hear more on Monica Berg? Listen to her speak about her other book, "Fear Is Not An Option" here. Learn more about Drew's journey to fitness here.

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