Bonnie Cook - Mental Health and Dr. Will Bulsiewicz - "Fiber Fueled" #1278

Happy Thursday!

Bernadette and her family had a crazy past 24 hours, but we won’t let chaos bring us down! We have a great show today with “Dr. B,” Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, author of best seller “Fiber Fueled,” and Bonnie Cook of the Mental Health Of America Association, the MHA!

Bonnie Cook And Mental Health

Bernadette and Bonnie Cook are very passionate on the topic of Mental Health! Bonnie suggests coping techniques to get through depressive episodes, and while we have friends and family, we need to be able to be okay with ourselves. Right now, Bonnie and Mental Health America, are really focusing on helping those affected by the current pandemic.Bonnie Cook is currently focusing on mental health in children. Children do not know what is happening with the pandemic, so the MHA is doing all they can with the current resources they have. If you would like to donate to children in your community struggling with their mental health, click here. We want to prevent adverse childhood experiences: prevention instead of treatment.We must make sure we are sending our positive vibes and give our peers positive affirmations to get through such tough time in this pandemic.

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz

Dr. Will Bulsiewicz is a board-certified, award-winning Gastroenterologist with a degree from Georgetown University School of Medicine. Dr. B used to be a connoisseur of hot dogs and bad food, and found himself at a crossroads with his own health, but now he has radically transformed himself and his diet! The Golden Rule of Dr. Bulsiewicz book, "Fiber Fueled" is eat diversely! Diversity of plants in our diet is directly proportional to the health of our microbiome. More diversity of plants in our diet = a healthy microbiome! Dr. B states that you can be a vegan and eat the same 10 plants, but still have an unhealthy microbiome. Diversity is key!While Dr. Will would love to see everyone eat plant based, there is still a way to maintain a healthy diet that includes meat. The key is to simply cut meat consumption in half, because the average American eats his weight in animal meat each year! Treat your gut like the muscle that it is! Start low and slow with increasing things like fiber to get to the intensity you want! A fiber fueled, plant based approach has shown that you can reverse heart disease with merely food! Our gut microbiome plays a critical role in our overall health.

Thank You

The Mental Health Association has provided an assessment because being on top of our mental health is being on top of our whole bodies, not just our mind! Click here to take the self assessment and find free support groups through the MHA!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you! If you would like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, NED Hemp Oil, STS Health, VEGWORLD Magazine, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!


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