Dr. Jose Antonio - Exercise and the Brain, Mo Brossette - Gratitude #1281

Terrific Tuesday

We hope everyone has a terrific Tuesday on this hot, sunny day here in Dallas, Texas or wherever you may be! One Life Radio veteran, Dr. Jose Antonio is back with us once again to discuss exercise and the brain. Mo Brossette is talking about practicing gratitude and how to stay present, even in the hardest of times.

Dr. Jose Antonio

Dr. Jose Antonio is a long time friend of One Life Radio's. Dr. Antonio earned his PhD and completed a post-doctoral research fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr. Jose Antonio is the founder and CEO of the ISSN! Check out his website here.Dr. Jose Antonio says masks are important, but it’s more about keeping businesses alive and well. Restaurants want and need to stay open, and masks are mandated. So, if it helps them when you wear a mask, wear a mask. Bernadette and Dr, Joey talk about exercise and the brain. We know that exercise helps with brain health. He says 90-120 minutes of exercise per week can make a difference. But, we don’t know how much we need for sure, and more studies need to be done. For example, when we train for strength, we know how to design a routine to achieve the result we want. But, when we say we want to exercise to help brain health, we don’t know what to do yet.Dr. Joey is currently studying creatine and brain health. He cites studies where people recovered from brain injuries faster when taking creatine. This could be huge in the sports world with all of the brain injuries through contact sports. Women may want to investigate further before taking it, because it may cause weight gain. Dr. Antonio says you want to take it for your brain, not necessarily your muscles. Dr. Joey Antonio ends the conversation asking why the US isn’t telling people to exercise along with washing hands and wearing masks when it comes to avoiding COVID. The US population is generally unhealthy and overweight. If we can get people to exercise and eat well, that will help them in the long run to avoid illness and have a better quality of life.

Mo Brossette and Gratitude

Mo Brossette has been in the health and fitness industry for over 24 years, and he is currently the Director of Mindset and Nutrition at The Adaptive Training Foundation. The Adaptive Training Foundation is a Dallas based non-profit that leads disabled military veterans and civilians through a 9-week mental and physical training program called “Redefine”. Through this unique program, Mo helps these adaptive athletes overcome physical, emotional and mental pain, fear, and self-doubt. He is a corporate speaker on Fear and Human Potential, where he teaches companies and individuals how to achieve professional and personal goals, overcome limiting beliefs, and use fear as your greatest tool for success. You can find Mo here.Today, Mo talks about gratitude and how to stay present. An easy suggestion to be mindful about what you're grateful for is journaling! Journaling is an easy way write down your gratitudes and how you're feeling for the day. No matter how bad your situation seems, you can practice gratitude. Instead of saying “Gratitude is hard” say “I will practice gratitude daily” Do this by journaling daily and repeating the phrase above. Practice mindfulness by understanding what you have the ability to change and what is out of your control. You won’t change the outcome of your situation by worrying about the future. If you can’t seem to get in gratitude or stay in the present, call Mo for a consultation or reach out to a professional for help.

Thank You

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