Autumn Warren Connolly - Dao and Dr. Andrew Saul - Vitamin C #1285

Happy Monday!

Bernadette gives an update from her weekend, where she found some dangerous spiders in her dog house! Don't fret, Autumn Warren Connolly is here to give advice on our 8 legged friends! Autumn says to be careful of closed in spaces like dog houses and sheds, as they can harbor creepy crawlers.

Autumn Warren Connolly

Resident Earth Mama Autumn Warren Connolly talks today about how Dao can help you live a better life. Dao is something that’s pervasive in any spiritual belief. It keeps everything simple The basic principles of Dao are simplicity, harmony, going with the flow, and letting go. "The Way" is a simple way of describing the Dao. Allow yourself to be open to what comes and goes. Do not get hung up on material things or outward appearances. Accept it all knowing it’s all by grace and given to you as a gift. Autumn says the versions have been translated over hundreds of years, but more so most recently. And, it’s translated for specific issues, i.e. how to be a better parent, how to handle an angry child, or a child with a learning issue. It allows you to lessen your anxiety by believing that you’re connected to everything.Autumn ends her segment with a chant for eternal optimism and contentment with your God's will.

Dr. Andrew Saul

Dr. Andrew Saul joins us to talk about Vitamin C for addressing viral symptoms. Check out Dr. Saul's website to see all of his findings on recent global viruses. Dr. Saul talks about his findings using intervenes vitamin C. Censorship is discussed. A strong immune system is key to fighting off viruses and bacterias. Dr. Saul recommends 3000 milligrams of vitamin C, 4000 milligrams of magnesium, 20 milligrams of zinc, and 2000 ius of vitamin D, but only once a week to start your body on a viral fighting regiment. For more information on COVID-19, click here.

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