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#1297 Sam Morris

One of our favorite guests is on the show today, Sam Morris.


Sam recently changed his company name to Unbreakable Human Project, and he changed it because of preparedness. Women in his community needed help as well as the men. The state of the world is we are having a human experience of chaos, so he changed it to work with all humans, making the human experience better.  Morris' Unbreakable Human Project programs are customized to what each person needs.Benjamin Franklin said, “By failing to prepare you are preparing to fail” and Morris agrees.  Some of the benefits of being prepared is the quiet mind. When you do everything you can to prepare, the more relaxed you are and the better you are at what you are there to accomplish. The more prepared you are the more flexible you can be. Being prepared means you have reduced the possible negative outcomes. You can course correct. When you have zero preparation, you are super rigid.Morris suggests using the 80/20 method. Do what you need to do 80% of the time and what you want to do 20% of the time. When you do what you need to do most of the time, life becomes more enjoyable as a whole.

Thank you!

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