Brad Aronson - HumanKind, Autumn Warre-Connolly - Healing Core Wounds #1300

Happy Monday!

Renaldo and Bernadette are both having great days and are filled with high energy! Bernadette started baking bread this morning, and has decided to give loaves to those who are less fortunate. How kind!

Autumn Warren Connolly

Bernadette and Autumn are so excited about the podcast they recorded over the weekend. Check back on the website soon to listen! Autumn Warren Connolly discusses core wounds. Core wounds are wounds that affect us when we are not emotionally ready or equipped to handle at the time. Events like divorce, going to daycare, or the loss of a family member as a child can carry on to adulthood. The core wounds cause our deepest darkest fear. Most of us can live our whole lives without facing the core wounds that reside inside of us. We don't have the emotional range as children to address or fix our wounds, so we must be consciously aware as adults! Wait to feel that trigger within you to begin healing.We know we have a core wound when feel like our interpersonal relationships have overwhelming themes of hurt. More often than not, the overwhelming,ing feeling of hurt begins to manifest within us, so it urges us to do something about it. Anything that causes emotional pain right now is likely form a core wound. Let it out! Cry it out! Instead of moving on after shedding tears, take a little more time to venture a little deeper. You have to feel the pain in order for it to go away.Adi Mantra is typically done prior to a long meditation. Adi Mantra opens you up to more feelings and emotions. It allows peace and stillness and can even let you find your core wounds so you can address them! "Adi" loosely translates to "I Bow To All That Is." The Adi Mantra connects us to our highest source of wisdom.

Brad Aronson

Brad Aronson is an author, entrepreneur, tech startup investor and mentor. His entrepreneurial ventures began in junior high when he shoveling snow, selling iced tea at baseball games and delivering sodas at summer camp.Brad’s first venture out of college, i-FRONTIER, grew into one of the largest and top rated digital ad agencies in the US.He serves as Board President of Big Brothers Big Sisters Independence Region, as well as Hopeworks ‘N Camden. A program providing tech training, jobs, housing, coaching and support to young people in one of America’s poorest cities. Brad is the author of the book we’re talking about today, HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time.Brad started writing HumanKind five years ago, and coincidentally had his book be released during the beginning of the global pandemic. Instead of fretting, Brad decided that the book coming out in such a hard time was the best for everyone! We need kindness all the time, but especially when the media is negative story after negative story.


Brad decided to write this book after attending a high school graduation ceremony for a mentor of his. While sitting next to a 70 year old man, he discovered this stranger went to that school's graduation ceremony every year because that same school turned his life around decades before. From that night on, he decided to write about happy stories. When his wife was diagnosed with cancer, Brad, his wife, and his son made it their daily goal to focus on the small kind actions that made the world of differences. Brad and Bernadette and say choose to celebrate the small victories. Instead of crossing off one item on your to do list and moving on to the next, celebrate your completion one thing! Smile. Have Fun.HumanKind is contagious! Kindness is contagious! Each story in Brad Aronson's book is "Love in Action." If you're not worries about the future, you are a very rare person. do something if you are worried. Choose something small. Make a friend, send letters to people who need pen pals! Click here to find a senior citizen to write to.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Autumn Warren Connolly and Brad Aronson. To order Brad's book and start snowballing kindness, click here.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!


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