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#1302, Fastercise, Robyn Youkilis and "Thin From Within"

Happy Workout Wednesday!

Renaldo and Bernadette are doing great and are ready to get their days started! Bernadette made a delicious dish last night and is still so excited about that! Bernadette and team OLR are so excited for today's guests. Its workout Wednesday! We are into fitness... fitness this whole pizza in our mouth! Let's get this show started with our guests, Dr. Denis Wilson and Robyn Youkilis.

Dr. Denis Wilson and Allison Roberts

Today we welcome Dr. Denis Wilson to One Life Radio! Dr. Wilson has spent 30 years of his medical career focusing on body temperature and human metabolism. Over the past three decades, he has trained thousands of doctors on his methods, revolutionizing the way doctors diagnose and treat thyroid symptoms and metabolic disorders. Along with his daughter Allison, they founded Fastercise, a fitness program that uses medical-based research to help with weight management.


Fastercise is a fitness program that works when nothing else does! It allows you to eat less but not feel hunger! A day of fastercise is a day filled with waves of hunger. People typically get hungry morning, noon, night. Before eating your first meal, do one minute of "shivering" exercise. Your hunger will actually go away for two hours after you shiver! To shiver, just shake your legs and arms back and forth an inch in either directions. Even just laying down on your bed and shivering can stop hunger! Dr. Denis has noticed that children with autism spectrum disorder sometimes shiver or shake to their advantage! Shivering can give you energy. Shivering can be a great addiction to whatever exercise routine you already follow, or according to Dr. Denis, you can replace your workouts with fastercising completely!Allison had just had her baby and was 30 pounds heavier when she started fastercise. Filled with stress, Allison gave her Dad's fitness program a try. She lost the weight in 3 months! Just 8 months after having her baby, Allison entered a fitness competition and played high! Fastercise works! Tightening also works as a way to curb hunger. With shivering and tightening your muscles, hunger is canceled! The way you can think of it is the way a syphon works. One end has water and the other has an end that draws water. So with fastercise, your re creating a huge draw on your energy reserve, You are basically telling the body you are needing tons of energy When shivering and tightening, your energy need goes up 120 fold!Timing is important, you won't start burning fat until you are hungry. Wait to fastercise until you are hungry. A good time to tighten your muscles is after you've eaten. Fasting helps you rebuild your mitochondria, which is crucial for your brain. Fasting increasing longevity and brain function.

Robyn Youkilis

Robyn Youkilis is an AADP Certified Health Coach, author, internationally renowned speaker, and leading expert in holistic digestive health. Robyn’s coaching practice, “Your Healthiest You”, helps clients shed both physical and emotional weight with her straightforward yet supportive coaching style. She is the author of the groundbreaking book, Go with Your Gut, as well as “Thin From Within - The Go with Your Gut Way to Lose Weight.”

Thin From Within

Thin From Within was written to support you in a healthy weight without shame and without guilt. Robyn wanted to write a book that didn't make demands of people for them to lose weight. She wanted to focus on the internal and not the external. It's all okay! Weight loss is a complicated conversation. You body may look exactly the same after following her regime, but you will feel better. Bernadette feels that Robyn's book is the key for calming the mind surrounding food. Intuitive eating is all about balance. Trust your body. Eating a croissant isn't always bad! Enjoying your food is important. Robyn's food guides you through the rocky relationship between food and your mind.Robyn says that as a compulsive dieter, she had to realize that simply a diet could not fix her. She has to look altruistically in order to make her feel best. Robyn Youkilis's fun fact is one jar of sauerkraut is equal to 9 jars of probiotics! Wow! Digestion is the key to everything. If your body is effectively able to take out the trash, your body will be able to keep the nutrients it needs. Don't forgets to satiate yourself, too.

Let's Gets Cooking!

Fake food messes with your gut. Fake foods are foods that have been heavily engineered by scientists, or foods that your Grandma wouldn't recognize. If you are just having a pile of fat free cookies, you are better off with one or two real sugar filled cookies. Your body needs to recognize the nutrients it needs and the nutrients she doesn't. Robyn says we can set ourselves up for success in the kitchen in a few ways. Keep it simple! You don't need many ingredients to have a fantastic meals. Meal prepping is also great to set yourself up for success. Be messy! Let go of the idea of perfection. Food can be ugly, so it doesn't need to be instagramable.Sparkle up your food, but don't forget to ask your own body what it really needs. Before making a food choice, listen to you body for the answer. Sometimes you can feel the little sparkle in our stomach, your mind, or anywhere! Take a breather and sparkle up yourself before you make the choice to eat for the day. Mindfulness is the answer for a healthy body, but most importantly a healthy mind. Go with your gut!

Thank You!

We know we talked about restriction of diet today, and we want our listeners to know that restriction is not always the answer for everyone. If you or someone you know is restricting their diet, take a moment to think. Click here for more information on restrictive eating disorders. Always make sure you are dieting for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! Much love.A big thank you to our guests, Denis Wilson, Allison Roberts, and Robyn Youkilis. To become your healthiest you, check out Robyn's website!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!