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Jackie Schlegel - COVID-19 and Autumn Warren Connolly - Imagination #1310

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Jackie Schlegel and Autumn Connolly

Happy Monday!

We are live from Dallas, Texas! Renaldo's parents are Texas citizens now, howdy ya'll! Bernadette warns Renaldo about the woe's of raising teenager. Good thing Renaldo's boy is still so little! Let's get this show started with Autumn Warren Connolly, then Jackie Schlegel.

Autumn Warren Connolly

Autumn Connolly lives in the sky islands of Arizona with her three kiddos and animal babies. She is the creator of Anvil Traditional Healing, a company dedicated to restoring microbiome health through diet. Follow Autumn on Instagram @AnvilTraditionalHealing. Autumn is a self-taught vegan chef, a serial gardener and an avid believer and teacher of the powers of meditation.

Power Of Imagination

We love this topic. Autumn was inspired to want to talk about imagination while reading. Autumn enjoys interpreting the writers words her way, so she takes imagination into her own brain! Everything starts with imagination. A thought, an idea. It is so easy to see how uninhibited children are in imagining the world around them without being inhibited by the harsh realities. As an adult we block ourselves by thinking that our imagination won't be able to help us as adults, but that's not true. The word imagination can be read positively or negatively. From Autumn's stance, imagination is a tool that adults need to harness more often. Imagination is critical, so don't stop your brain from wandering! Child and adult brains are not that different. Imagination can be used to create a beautiful garden or piece of art, so why can you not imagine a great job and manifest it?

Intention Behind Desire

Just the word imagination turns the brain on! Bernadette says that Einstein said that imagination is more important than knowledge. You need imagination to think up great ideas. Imagination is the key to unlocking newer and more creative ideas, so let your mind wander. We can alter our imagination for many different things like cooking, writing, drawing, and more. However, you can harness the power of imagination for bigger things, too. Have that visualization of the promotion you want, or the relationship you crave. Imaginative ideas can program the subconscious mind. You can use your imagination to change your life, change your thoughts and change your energy. Just relax. Relaxation makes your brain waves slow down. When you are in a state of relaxation, your brain can be more imaginative because of lower energetic input.

Jackie Schlegel

Jackie is the Executive Director for Texans for Vaccine Choice. In 2015, when legislators were led astray and filed oppressive bills that would take away parental rights and vaccine choice, Jackie Schlegel stepped up to the plate, said not on my watch. She threw her hat into the political arena. In just four short years, she took a group of passionate moms and turned it into the epitome of grassroots activism. They've set an unprecedented standard for the nation and even drawing worldwide attention.That fledging group of 20 is now a political action committee and educational foundation, with over 30,000 social media followers as well as 12,000+ official members who proudly align themselves with Texans for Vaccine Choice. Thanks to Jackie's endless energy and passion, this group is organized with local branches, core members, and team leaders impact- ing their schools, their communities, and their legislators. Her unshakeable dedication inspires all members to have a laser focus on their mission of protecting and advancing informed con- sent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice.

COVID-19 Vaccine For Texas

We are going to have to fight. Jackie says that Governor Abbott is not taking a public stance, and that is scary. Two years ago, he was fighting for parental rights and informed consent, but now, he is taking a dangerous position. Governor Abbott is not protecting Texas families! Vaccine choice is in the republican party platform, so why is he being quiet now? Jackie warns that this could affect more than just school children. If we do not fight for our own rights, vaccine choice could affect you keeping your job, receiving benefits, and going out in public. Jackie warns that the media will create fear to push their vaccine mandate. While we are talking about Texas today, this is happening all over the United States.Texans For Vaccine Choice is trying their hardest. Sign their petition! It is important that we send Governor Abbott a clear message. Jackie Schlegel says this affects all of us. We should be frustrated. We need to hold him accountable. Texans value medical freedom, and that starts with vaccine choice. We need to get the government out of our medicine, period. This is a very serious subject. We need to approach this methodically. Texans for Vaccine Choice wants to know that parents still have rights, especially when it comes to the flu shot. Why are we putting our children's medical care in public schools? This is outrageous! Every single time we allow another agency to "take care" of something for us regarding our children, we are losing our freedom.Jackie Schlegel wants you to know that she cares about the right to choose. Regardless if you want to vaccinate your children or not, your choice should be yours as a parent.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Jackie Schlegel and Autumn Warren Connolly. Make a difference and sign the petition for Texans For Vaccine Choice. Support the brave doctors that are screaming at the top of their lungs to yell the truth! Everyone, please read. Your health is on the line here. You get one body, you get one mind, you get one life. Don't let it be stomped on.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!