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#1338, Jerry Yudelson, Pedram Shojai, The Urban Monk

Jerry yudelson. Pedram shojai

Happy Thursday!

Bernadette and Junior are having a great day! It's Friday-Eve! Thursdays are the day that Bernadette takes to unwind and relax. Bernadette is drinking her chamomile tea because she is just so excited for todays show with Dr. Pedram Shojai, The Urban Monk and up first, The Godfather Of Green, Jerry Yudelson! So stick around!

Jerry Yudelson

Yudelson is a social activist, environmentalist, engineer and spiritual seeker. He’s chronicled his extensive 50-year career and spiritual journey in his book, “The Godfather of Green: An Eco-Spiritual Memoir.” Jerry’s environmental activism began with the inaugural Earth Day Celebration in 1970, when Jerry was a campus organizer at Caltech. He was a key player in California’s solar energy movement during the 70s and 80s, appointed by Governor Jerry Brown to run the state’s solar development program. Jerry has authored 12 books on green building, sustainable development, water conservation, green homes, building performance and green marketing.

California Wildfires and Lessening Our Carbon Footprint

This is an important topic! 7.5 million acres have burned this year, compared to 4 million acres last year. Jerry Yudelson says that our climate is getting hotter and drier and staying that way longer. In California, it doesn't rain after May. So you've got 6 months of dry combined with pressure out of the coast which is a perfect recipe for burning. Bernadette brings up that there are an influx of chemicals being created and dumped. Yudelson says we are losing biodiversity and that we will have to spend the next 2-3 generations fixing it. Jerry thinks that fires will get worse and become more abundant the longer we go without doing something.Do something today! Eat lower on the food chain and buy local! Start thinking about what you buy and what it took to get it to you. If you can afford it, buy an electric vehicle because it will be necessary in the future.We are entering an era that is unprecedented. In 20 years, we will look at the year 2020 and reminisce on how cool the temperature was. This is not the end of a global warming epidemic, it is only the beginning.

Pedram Shojai

Dr. Pedram Shojai Is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Master Herbalist and acupuncturist, better known as “The Urban Monk”. He is the New York Times best selling author of “The Urban Monk" and "The Art of Stopping Time” and also the founder of Dr. Shojai uses Eastern thinking and practices to help others overcome Westernized challenges of everyday life and live life to the fullest. His upcoming book, "FOCUS: Bringing Time, Energy and Money into Flow" will be out in November.

How to Bring Time, Energy and Money into Flow

We are so excited to have Dr. Pedram Shojai on One Life Radio! Bernadette asks Pedram if he is anxious to write and release another book. Pedram Shojai says that writing a book takes a lot of water from your personal garden. We are talking about the difference between life and live! Life is the greatest mystery we have in front of us. Living life is a low bar, it doesn't take a lot to keep breathing. We have to think more abstractly about how we want to spend the remainder of our heartbeats until we have none left. We live in an era with a crisis of consciousness. Our awareness is both a gift and a burden because we can get distracted and distorted when trying to battle our sentience. Sentience and life are inextricably linked.Don't be reactive, be proactive! In his book, Pedram talks about his 5 areas of life, in his book. The first area is career, then there's family, desires, passion and health. All those categories need water from you. You need action! Tie what you want to do with saying it and making choices to make things happen. The two biggest things in our lives are the struggle for love and the legal tender. Everything comes full circle, and the choices we make are so important for our gardens. We have to make sure we water all our plants but still leave enough water for ourselves.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Jerry Yudelson and Pedram Shojai.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!