#1341, Dr. Dominik Nischwitz, Robin Perry Braun

Dr. Dominik nischwitz, robin Perry braun

Happy Tuesday!

It's a beautiful day here in Dallas, Texas! It is sunny, warm, and beautiful, so go outside and enjoy the day! Bernadette and Junior are talking about hurricanes, and how some people throw parties when they find out they will be stuck somewhere for a long time! We have a great show in store today with Dr. Dominik Nischwitz and Robin Perry Braun! Let's get started with Dr. Dome!

Dr. Dominik Nischwitz

Dr. Dome is a German dentist and naturopath, a world specialist in biological dentistry and ceramic implants, and the president of the International Society of Metal Free Implantology (ISMI). In 2015, Dr. Dome cofounded DNA Health and Aesthetics, Center for Biological Dentistry, with his father in Tübingen, Germany. A pioneer in the field of holistic odontology, Dr. Dome regularly gives lectures and trainings around the world. He is the author of the book we’re talking about today: It’s All in Your Mouth; Biological Dentistry and the Surprising Impact of Oral Health on Whole Body Wellness. Find it on amazon.com!

It’s All in Your Mouth – The Surprising Impact of Oral Health on Whole Body Wellness

Biological dentistry approach is the overlap of high tech dentistry, functional medicine, and health optimization! Biological dentistry looks at the mouth at a different angle, like the mirror of your overall health. Dr. Dominik is known as the wild and young doctor who is making moves throughout Germany! Dr. Dome says that his real interest is in keeping people healthy and educating them about their overall health via dentistry. Your mouth is part of your overall body, including your central nervous system! Teeth are not just for biting, and they are kind of an elongation for your brain. Teeth are kind of like tiny organs, and even though they are hard as stone, they have a blood supply and have the same qualifying characteristics that an organ would. German dentistry had not changed any of it's education literature from 1954 until 2019!Your teeth and tonsils are represented in your C1 and C4 in your back and neck. You could have inflammation in the tip of a root canal tooth that is connected to a chronic shoulder or knee pain! Your incisors are connected to your kidneys, your pre molars are connected to your large intestine, and your molars are connected to your stomach and if you're a biological female, your breasts and ovaries! In your mouth you have a huge microbiome! Gut health starts in your mouth. Conventional dentists only try and keep the teeth there and pretty, you need a biological dentist to look beyond the whiteness of your teeth! It's so important.

Robin Perry Braun

Robin Perry Braun has a Master’s Degree in psychology, she is a certified Energy Practitioner and ordained minister. She is working on her doctorate in Integrated medicine. She has spent more than 20 years searching for tools that bring authentic healing to the tough-to-heal afflictions. Robin is the author of “A Believers guide to the Law of Attraction”, “30 Days to Peace and Joy” and “Journey through the Storm: Overcoming Your Husband’s Porn/Sex Addiction.”

Romanic Love

One of the problems in our society is that we have misrepresented romantic love. Movies and television try to portray love in such a specific and convoluted way that young children growing up get confused later on when experiencing romantic love. Robin says that there is a disconnect among our feelings and actions. Most people don’t know what they’re feeling most of the time. We grow up with abuse or trauma, and we get programmed to stuff our emotions and we virtually create energetic walls around our heart that blocks love from getting in. We have become a country that has become comfortable with loving from our head and not our heart.Bernadette asks how high up physical attraction is on the importance of romantic love. Robin says that lust can feel like love, but it's not. Physical attraction is brain chemicals that feel good. It can be intoxicating! Robin says people don't know that people are not connected to their emotions. Often, we keep walls up for so long that we forget how thick we've built them and how to break them down. Don't fret, these subconscious walls are not indestructible! When you are willing to be vulnerable, you can tear the walls down and open up to your feelings and emotions.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Dominik Nischwitz and Robin Perry Braun! To read Robin’s new book, “Thrive,” click here.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, Flunada, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!


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