Tina Bernet - Free Weights and Balance, Eva Cruz - Plant-Based Eating #1352
tina bernet allen, Eva Cruz, nutrition for better living
Happy Wednesday!
Krystina Ray is back with us today and we love to have her! We have a great show in store for you today with Tina Bernet Allen talking about stretching and free weights, and Eva Cruz talking about plant based eating at the half, so let's get started!
Tina Bernet Allen
Tina Bernet has a Bachelor’s of Kinesiology, she is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, she is certified in biomechanics, and she is part of the Aerobics & Fitness Association of America. She has been in the fitness industry for over 30 years, teaching cardiovascular classes at several of Dallas’ top studios and health clubs, as well as instructing and developing resistance training programs for individuals and groups in the gym and in the home. She has also been named the “Top Female Personal Trainer in DFW” by the Personal Trainers Hall of Fame.
Free Weights And Why Balance Is So Important
Balance training is just performing exercises that help improve your awareness of the movement of your body. Having incredible balance can help you avoid injuries! Training with free weights is so much better for the body than a machine because free weights have you engage your abs and balance your body weight. Yesterday, Tina had Bernadette doing an exercise where she stepped up to find her balance while engaging her abs and hip flexors. It was difficult! Tina always makes her clients do the exercises that they don't like. If you don't like it, you probably need to do it more! Balance training increases body awareness, and your coordination can be learned!A lot of people are not good at activating their muscles, so that's why they need balance training! Neural adaptation is when the brain learns how to activate a certain muscle or muscle group. Once you get neural adaptation, you can get stronger! All your muscles are knit together. You can't have good posture if you don't have strong glutes and abs. Repetition is the key to success, so don't forget to train the muscles that stabilize your spine.
Eva Cruz
Eva Cruz is a Plant-based Nutrition Counseling Specialist, Heath Coach, and the founder of Nutrition for Better Living. She began her training as a Health Coach at the Institute For Integrative Nutrition in New York City where she studied several methods for eradicating and preventing chronic illness with plant food. Eva also studied plant-based nutrition at the T. Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies in New York and the Stanford School of Medicine. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Southern Methodist University.
Plant-Based Eating
We are so excited to have Eva on the air with us! Eva says that health issues are directly correlated with diet. Chronic illness is all correlated with what you eat! Eva has been in business for over a year and half, and has found that so many people live day to day with pain and illness in their body. Bernadette asks about acne! Eva says that acne is directly related to inflammation in the gut microbiome. When our gut microbiome is sick, we give our bodies free reign to become sick. Dairy can be bad for us! The dairy that you find in the stores are riddled with antibiotics. If the cow who makes your milk is sick, then your milk will be tainted too. Antibiotics just fatten up the cows, and if we consume the animal products we get the antibiotics in our bodies too!Bernadette asks if poor sleep is connected to poor diet. Eva says she gets so many clients complaining about poor sleep and feeling like they need to sleep during the week. Add more vegetables, legumes, and seeds to your diet! Bernadette talks about her father respecting the plants that the earth forged for us. Eva says that diet can absolutely help people get healthier after being diagnosed with cancer. The food that we put on our plates has the power to turn on and off the gene that allows cancer to ravage bodies. Eva says that soy is detrimental to our health. The food industry is using soy as a preservative. Avoid soy sauce!We have the power to stop chronic illness! Change your diet your change your life! Food has the power!
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guests, Tina Bernet Allen and Eva Cruz. Visit Eva Cruz at her website here, and follow her on instagram @nutritionforbetterliving! You can follow Tina on instagram @tbfitnesspro!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at info@oneliferadio.com. Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!