Autumn Warren - Bras and Boobs, Mary Holland - Vaccine Rights #1365,
autumn warren connolly, boobs, Mary holland
Happy Monday!
It has been a crazy start to the show! After laughing it all off, we bring you a great show! At the half, Mary Holland is back to discuss politics and vaccines. First up, we have Autumn Warren Connolly, so let's get started!
Autumn Warren Connolly
Autumn Connolly lives in the sky islands of Arizona with her three kiddos and animal babies. She is the creator of Anvil Traditional Healing, a company dedicated to restoring microbiome health through diet. Follow Autumn on Instagram @AnvilTraditionalHealing. Autumn is a self-taught vegan chef, a serial gardener and an avid believer and teacher of the powers of meditation.
Bras And Boobs
Today we are talking about boobs and bras! Did you know that actually about 85 percent of women are wearing the wrong size, and haven't got any idea how to deal with it. According to new research – and contrary to popular belief from about a decade ago – wearing a bra, underwired or otherwise, does not cause breast cancer. Wearing a bra can alter your circadian rhythm! When you take your bra off at night, it is a signal to you body to relax and get ready to bed! One study found that found that women who never wore bras had nipples on average seven millimeters higher in relation to their shoulders each year than regular bra users. When we wear a bra, our breast muscles learn that the bra will be there to hold the breasts up, therefor letting the breast muscles atrophy.Autumn's children recently ate their first steak and her and Bernadette have a lot of thoughts! Autumn says that regardless if you are vegan or not, how you eat should be kind. If Autumn's children want a snack, they know to ask for something that comes from nature. After budgeting, Autumn thought that a locally sourced steak was a great source of B vitamins for her and her children. Acknowledge nature! From steaks to thyme plants, nature has bestowed upon us many gifts.
Mary Holland
Mary Holland serves as General Counsel and Vice Chair of the board at Children’s Health Defense. She recently left the faculty of the New York University School of Law where she served for 17 years, most recently directing its Graduate Lawyering Program. Mary received her Master of Arts and Juris Doctor Degrees from Columbia University, and her undergraduate degree from Harvard. She has worked in international public and private law. Mary is the co-author of “Vaccine Epidemic” and “The HPV Vaccine on Trial: Seeking Justice for a Generation Betrayed”.
What Does This Election Mean For Vaccine Rights?
The presidential race is still up in the air, but what does that mean for vaccine rights? President Trump poured 9 billon dollars into developing a COVID-19 vaccine. Mary Holland and Bernadette agree that nothing good comes from something rushed. Mary Holland reports that animal trials were skipped when developing this COVID-19 vaccine, and that is also a huge sign that our health is not the priority! Dr. Anthony Fauci has recently offered a 2021 forecast on COVID-19 vaccines. Dr. Fauci's company is pushing Moderna that is personally funding him, that will be pushing vaccines into the pentagon and potentially our Army forces, sources report. Mary Holland warns US citizens to beware of this.
Thank You!
A big thank you to our guests, Autumn Warren Connolly and Mary Holland! If you would like to donate to The Children’s Health Defense, click here! To purchase Autumn’s kefir starter kit, click here!Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!