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Jonny Bowden - News and Jen Myers - Nutrigenomics #1377

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Jonny Bowden and Jen Myers

Happy Wednesday!

We are so ready for the Thanksgiving break! No matter what your plans, we hope everyone stays safe and has fun with family and friends! Don’t forget Shop Small Saturday! We need to support small businesses in our neighborhoods!At the half, we have Dr. Jen Myers from Sunwarrior on, so get excited! First up we have Dr. Jonny Bowden up talking about  the credibility of research studies we see on the news, so let's get started!

Jonny Bowden

Dr. Jonny earned six certifications in personal training and fitness. Jonny Bowden is known as The Nutrition Myth Buster and is a nationally known expert on weight loss and health. He is the best-selling author of 15 books, including “The Great Cholesterol Myth” and “The Most Effective Ways to Live Longer.” He has a Masters degree in psychology, a PhD in holistic nutrition, and is board certified by the American College of Nutrition. His books include “Living Low Carb,” “Smart Fat,” “The Great Cholesterol Myth” and “The 150 Healthiest Foods On Earth.”

Credibility Of Research Studies We See On The News

We’re talking with Dr. Jonny Bowden today about the credibility of the research studies we see constantly in the news. It seems every health article cites a study like “Bacon causes heart disease” or the numerous studies on COVID. How do we know what to believe?Dr. Bowden heard a study on the news this morning, “It’s safer to fly on airplanes than go to the grocery store.” The study was done by the airlines! It doesn’t mean that it’s not valid, but they do have something to gain. When you pay for a study, you’re 5Xs likely to get the results you want.You want to look at the study and who did it. Were there phases to the study, i.e. Phase one, two & three? How many people participated? The vast majority of drug studies are done by Big Pharma.Studies are like diamonds, some are fake, some real.Have a healthy skepticism when looking at these studies and do your own research.Also, listen to the podcast to hear what Dr. Bowden has to say about holiday eating! It’s great advice and something you can use every day!

Jen Myers

Dr. Jen Myers is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and a Certified Genomics/Nutrigenetic Specialist. She is the Chief Genomics Officer and Master Formulator on two Scientific Advisory Boards focused on DNA-based supplementation. Myers instructs Physicians and Practitioners how to implement Nutrigenomics into their practices to provide a more personalized approach. She is also a formulator for Sunwarrior plant-based proteins and has published a number of articles on their behalf.

Sunwarrior and Nutrigenomics

Dr. Jen Myers talks about Nutrigenomic Testing. It’s a way to look at our cells and genes and find out if we have any glitches in our DNA that may cause us to have issues with nutrition and weight.It looks at your nutritional pathways. Do you utilize nutrients effectively? She says that more than 75% have a significant genetic issue with nutritional pathways and converting certain nutrients. For instance, some can’t absorb folic acid normally, and we need that for our “gasoline” to run our system.Dr. Myers says don’t wait until you have a health issue to take a nutrigenomics test. Would you wait for your car to run out of oil? Everyone should have this test to know which vitamins to take.The number one reason people use supplements is to feel better. What if you could know exactly what your body needed? It’s just a cheek swab to get the results.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Jonny Bowden and Dr. Jen Myers, formulator for Sunwarrior. Visit her website for more insight! If you would like to purchase any of Dr. Jonny’s books, click here.Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you, so If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.If you have any hot ideas or burning questions, email us at Bernadette loves hearing from listeners.And, last but never least, thank you to our sponsors. We couldn’t do the show without you; Crazy Water, Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, VEGWORLD Magazine, Castor & Pollux, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and the ISSN. Visit our sponsor page for some great offers just for One Life Radio listeners!