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#1432, Jackie Schlegel, Bill Gates, Ryan Casey Waller

Ryan Casey Waller Talks Depression. Jackie Schlegel; a voice for choice.

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Today we have Ryan Casey Waller, Author of “Depression, Anxiety, And Other Things We Don’t Want To Talk About,” and Jackie Schlegel, Executive Director for Texans For Vaccine Choice.” 

Jackie Schlegel

Jackie is excited to be here! She knows that these are heavy subject. But that she, along side One Life Radio need to bring clarity to the US Population and the world. Jackie became incredibly passionate about vaccine choice with the birth of her first child 20 years ago. Bernadette says with her first daughter, she took the time to research, but not everyone has that luxury of time, so having the right to choose is important.

Texans for Vaccine Choice is excited by the scientific and medical advancements that have been made in an effort to combat the COVID-19 outbreak. The emergence of effective therapies and treatments brings hope and reassurance during what has been a trying and uncertain time. Following Bill Gates’ proposal for ‘digital certificates’ proving a person has been vaccinated against the coronavirus, Attorney General William Barr said he was ‘very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty. Gates says that to use his vaccine to vaccinate the entire population, manufacturers will need indemnification to be protected from liability lawsuits

Ryan Casey Waller

Ryan Casey Waller is a licensed psychotherapist, lawyer, and pastor who has heard all the jokes about being both lawyer and priest. He studied philosophy and religion at the University of Southern California before pursuing a law degree, a masters in theology, and a masters in counseling from Southern Methodist University. Ryan practiced law before turning to a career in ministry, serving in both academic and ecclesial settings. He is now in private practice in Dallas. You can find his latest book, “Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don’t Want to Talk About” on

Feel however you feel. There is no should or should not with feelings. Abundant living is not driving a Range Rover according to Ryan. Live authentically for who you are, and find peace in that. Do you have to love yourself before you love anyone else. Abundant life is being able to be at peace with yourself. Human beings are more resilient than we aren’t resilient.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Jackie Schlegel and Ryan Casey Waller! Purchase Ryan’s new book, “Depression, Anxiety, and Other Things We Don’t Want to Talk About” here!

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