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Dr. Nasha Winters - Mistletoe Therapy, Greg Glaser - Physicians for Informed Consent #1450

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Dr. Nasha Winters and Greg Glaser

Dr. Nasha Winters & Greg Glaser

We have a great show for you with Dr. Nasha Winters, author and oncologist here to talk about “Mistletoe Therapy.” Greg Glaser is back from the Physicians For Informed Consent to give us even more information into what rights we do and do not have as citizens.

Dr. Nasha Winters

Dr. Nasha is a Naturopathic Integrative Oncologist and a Fellow of the American Board of Naturopathic Oncology. She has been on a personal journey with cancer for almost 29 years. Her quest to save her own life has transformed into a life-long mission to support others on a similar journey. Dr. Nasha travels the world helping colleagues master the metabolic approach to cancer, so their patients can achieve better treatment outcomes. She is the co-author of The Metabolic Approach to Cancer: Integrating Deep Nutrition, the Ketogenic Diet, and Nontoxic Bio-Individualized Therapies.

Mistletoe Therapy

Mistletoe Therapy has been around since ancient times. Most of us think of Mistletoe and think Christmas, but Dr. Nasha Winters knows this plant offers so much more in regard to treating cancer. Small clinical trials completed in Europe found that mistletoe may provide benefit to cancer patients and improve quality of life by reducing the side effects of chemotherapy/radiation such as nausea, vomiting, and lack of appetite, as well as diminish tumor-related pain. The poison in the mistletoe is actually what kills the cancer. We all know not to give mistletoe to our pets, but research has suggested that in small doses, it can kill cancer and not harm the patient.

Mistletoe also goes by its scientific name, Viscum album. It is unique in that it does not have roots but instead survives by growing on trees. Mistletoe contains viscotoxins, lectins, and polysaccharides that have been shown to support healthy immune function, induce apoptosis (cell death) of tumor cells, and support quality of life. Mistletoe extract is widely prescribed for patients with cancer in Europe but lesser known in the United States. Mistletoe is available from clinicians who are trained in its proper use, but until now there have been no clinical trials in the United States.

Greg Glaser

PIC’s vision is that doctors and the public are able to evaluate the data on infectious diseases and vaccines objectively, and voluntarily engage in informed decision-making about vaccination. With something like the measles, the physicians for informed consent look at the mortality rate, the incidence rate, and more to determine if the vaccination and the virus itself are failing enough to take real action. Your risk of getting epilepsy is actually five times higher if you get the MMR inoculation.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Nasha Winters and Greg Glaser. We loved hearing the updates on Texans for Vaccine Choice and learning about the legislative update in Texas. You too can stay updated by clicking here! Read more about the Physicians For Informed Consent here.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

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