Jared Ramirez - Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory, Dr. Stephanie Setliff - COVID and Eating Disorders #1453


Jared Ramirez is the CEO of Enviromedica, makers of Terraflora and a sponsor of One Life Radio is talking about Terrain theory vs. Germ Theory and Stephanie Setliff of Eating Recovery Center discusses the effect COVID had on those with eating disorders.

Germ Theory vs Terrain Theory

“The microbe is nothing the terrain is everything,” Louis Pasteur. Germs are just the umbrella term for viruses, infections, bacteria, etc. Why one person gets sick and the other doesn’t has to do with the terrain of the body! Germs can make us sick, but the question is why do some people never get sick and some get sick twice. The terrain of the body has to do with how healthy someone is, if you lead a healthy life, your terrain is stronger against germs. It’s as simple as that! Nature favors the most hospitable conditions! Life wants to thrive in optimal conditions. Get out and move! Your heart needs to get pumping! Jared says to get out there and just walk. One should abstain from processed foods to reach optimal body health.

Bernadette asks about over-sanitization. Jared says that over-sanitization may be hurting us and our ability to fight off germs! Herd immunity is where enough of the population builds up a resistance to a contagion or disease. The virus will stop spreading as effectively. Listen to the full interview to learn more about heard immunity!

Dr. Stephanie Setliff

Dr. Stephanie Setliffi as a child, adolescent and adult psychiatrist in Dallas, Texas. She is certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, and has specialized in the treatment of eating disorders for over 20 years. She joined the Eating Recovery Center in January 2014 to develop and open Eating Recovery Center in Dallas. She speaks frequently in the community on the topics of eating disorders and behavioral health to help raise awareness and education among medi- cal professionals and the greater community


COVID and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders and Covid are you scary, and terrible mix. For the eating disorder center here in Dallas, the Covid restrictions have been very hard. But they have been lucky enough to have a full medical staff and team at their disposal to help them find their way through. They had already been offering IOP, for a couple of years. So transferring from inpatient treatment, to IOP was a breeze to say the least. Last year the eating disorder hotline saw 75% increase in help calls, and an 89% increase in calls this year.

We really describe eating disorders as being bio psychosocial disorders. Your genetics gives a lot of your vulnerability. Most people think about bulimia, or anorexia, but most forget about ARFID. people with ARFID typically don’t feel the need to be thin, but they just have some sort of Drive to avoid certain foods.

Thank You!

A big thank you to our guests, Dr. Stephanie Setiff and Jared Ramirez! To purchase and peruse all of Enviromedica’s products, click here!

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