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Family Safe Rooms, PaleoBOSS Lady and Exercise and Immunity

One Life Radio Dr. Steve SchwartzWe're excited to have Dr. Steve Schwartz on the show today talking about family safe rooms. Schwartz has great advice for planning ahead with a family safe room. There are important steps you can take prior to a health emergency to ensure that your family stays as safe and healthy as possible. This is where the safe room comes into play. Once you have chosen your designated area to be your safe room, the only ones who should go in that room are the sick family member and the caretaker. The caretaker must wear a mask and gloves when in the safe room. A great tip from Dr. Schwartz is to leave your masks in a paper bag when you're done and use them over again. Just be sure not to get them wet. Items to store in your safe room include a disposable trash can with a foot pedal, certain medications you may need and masks & gloves. Also, be sure to prepare food separately for the infected family member and keep the dishes separate. He also says to stay away from Advil and ibuprofen, but use acetaminophen instead. And, stay hydrated!Our friend, V. Capaldi, AKA PaleoBOSS Lady, talks about how she's coping with the current COVID-19 crisis. Supplements are a big part of Capaldi's life. She works with a homeopathic specialist to help to stay healthy along with social distancing, dog walking and especially keeping herself and her household sterilized and clean.And, last but not least, Tina Bernet tells us how exercise can help boost your immune system. Bernet says that consistent, moderate exercise is key. Over exercising can harm your immune system and damage muscles.