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#739 - Apr 3rd 2018 - "The Alzheimers Anecdote" - "Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach" - He's Just Not that into Anyone

The Alzheimer's Anecdote

Amy Berger, author of The Alzheimer's Anecdote talks the metabolic problem known as Alzheimer's and the way our brains use energy. The scientific and medical literature regularly refers to Alzheimer's disease as "type 3 diabetes," "diabetes of the brain," or "brain insulin resistance."

  1. What are the major risk factors for Alzheimer's disease? Is there a genetic aspect?
  2. Why has every single drug developed to treat this condition been a failure, and done little to nothing to have any positive impact on the disease?
  3. What kind of diet do you think might be helpful for this illness? Are there supplements that might help, too?

Reducing Your Cancer Risk: A Holistic Approach

holisticGiven 6 months to live with a diagnosis of lung cancer 43 years ago, Dr. Carl Helvie overcame his battle with cancer using holistic natural interventions.

  1. How devastating is cancer in the USA?
  2. What are some factors in our environment that cause cancer and that we can reduce or avoid?
  3. What does research report about the effect of environmental carcinogens on us and what are some ways we can avoid them?
  4. What are some things we can do to make our bodies more resistant to cancer?
  5. What are some mental and spiritual interventions we can practice to increase our resistance to cancer?

He's Just Not That into Anyone

Robin Perry Braun talks about the male libido and the long term effects of watching porn on websites such as fuckedtube, which many people believe is an issue, despite the fact that no research as of yet has discovered anything terribly negative about the effects of porn.