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#742 Apr 6th 2018 - Allergies in Dogs - "Cured by Nature: How to Heal from the Inside Out" - The NFL: Good to Some, Bad for Most - Alternatives to Rx Drugs -

Allergies in Dogs

It’s that time of year when environmental allergies are at their peak – is your dog suffering? Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA of North Texas talks about the 10 signs that you dog may be allergic to all that spring time beauty. If your dog has any of these signs, take him to the vet to get him some relief. Alternatively, you may want to try this dog allergy treatment as well to see if this helps make your dog feel better.

Cured by Nature: How to Heal from the Inside Out

Tara Mackey, author of "Cured by Nature: How to Heal from the Inside Out" talks about how pharmaceuticals changed her for the better.Questions:

  1. What happened that made you start recognizing that your habits were what was shaping your life?
  2. How do we recognize our harmful habits?
  3. Why is it so important to get control of our habits?
  4. What are WILD Habits and what makes them important?

The NFL: Good to Some, Bad for Most

Former NFL player Jordan Pugh, owner of Pugh Training Facility talks about his experience during the NFL and how it led him into the entrepreneurial world.

  1. What is it like to be an entrepreneur after playing professional football?
  2. Why did you open a training facility for athletes in Texas?
  3. What makes your training facility unique and different from others out there?
  4. What is the message you hope resonates with your athletes the most?
  5. Who had the biggest impact on your career, both personally and professionally?

Alternatives to Rx Drugs

Jill Lane continues her segment on alternatives to prescription drugs!