One Life Radio

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#746 Apr 12th - "The Rules to Beak to Lose Weight" - How to Evaluate Saying 'Yes' or 'No'

The Rules to Break to Lose Weight

Registered Dietician, Cassie Bjork talks about the 'rules' to break to lose weight.

  1. Why doesn't counting calories seem to work for everyone for lasting weight loss?
  2. What about exercise/ where does exercise fit in?
  3. What about snacking/skipping meals?
  4. How perfect do you have to be to see results?
  5. What about ... grains? Vegetable oil?

How to Evaluate Saying 'Yes' or 'No"

Kip Watson guides us through evaluating how to say 'yes' or 'no'.

  1. Most of us are provided tons of opportunities and it’s hard to know when to say ‘yes’ and when to say ‘no’…where do we start in evaluating our choices?
  2. Okay, so after we look at the ‘TERMS’ (TIME, ENERGY, RESOURCES, MONEY, SANITY), what should we consider?
  3. The best ‘yes’ is one that fits with LIFESTYLE? Tell us what you mean by that.
  4. I’ve heard someone say that if you are not challenging yourself, then you are coasting, so PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT you believe is key to evaluating a ‘yes’ or ‘no’… explain.
  5. Bottom line… what do we need to ask ourselves?