#766 May 10th 2018 - The Root Cause of Cravings - 10 Lessons You Won't Learn in School


The Root Cause of Cravings

cravingsTina Bernet talks about cravings and how we can get a handle on those late night munchies.

10 Lessons You Won't Learn in School

Kip Watson takes us through 10 lessons you won't learn in school!

  1. Today we are going to talk about the “10 Lessons You Won’t Learn in School”, what is lesson number 1?
  2. How do some people fall into the slanted sense of reality of the egocentric bias?
  3. The corollary to the egocentric bias is the spotlight effect… Can you tell us about that? (#2)
  4. Number 3 says, “You don’t have to act the way you feel…” We don't have to contaminate social interactions with our own state of mind. But how can we be gracious when feeling moody and snappish? How, after an ego blow, do we hold back defensiveness, aggression, or anger?
  5. How can we reframe and manage disappointment and adversity?
  6. How does external self-awareness allow us to be more in sync with others? (#5)
  7. What is the importance of staying true to your own values, despite what others may think?

Healthy Cocktails, Disaster Preparedness for Pets, Tuna Fish, The Power of Mushrooms, and Baby Wipes Linked to Food Allergies #767 May 11th, 2018


#765 May 9th 2018 - Training for Endurance Pt. 1 - Slowly is the New Speedy