Maura Davies - Healthy Treats, Dr. Jack Wolfson - Summer Tips, Dr. Isaac Motamarry - Gastric Bypass, Stephanie Toups - Sunscreen #772


Healthy Treats for Dogs (Summer Edition)!

Maura Davies, VP of Communications at the SPCA of North Texas shares some fun healthy treats to make our furry friends this summer!

Top Tips to Stay Healthy This Summer!

Dr. Jack Wolfson gives us his top tips to stay healthy this summer!

Life After Gastric Bypass

Dr. Isaac Motamarry talks about the psychological effects after a gastric bypass procedure.

Sunscreen Chemicals Are Destroying Coral Reefs

Stephanie Toups talks about the chemicals being banned in Hawaii that are destroying the coral reefs!


#773 May 21st 2018 - Everything You Should Know About the Microbiome


Suzanne Ryan - Simply Keto, Daniel Tague - Training for Endurance Part 2 #771May 17th, 2018