One Life Radio

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#774 May 22nd - 52 Ways to Say I Love You: Dinner In Vs. Dinner Out? - Inside the Male Body Image - Ways to Effectively Confront

52 Ways to Say I love You: Dinner In Vs. Dinner Out?

Roni Beth Tower talks about 52 ways to say I love you and how to bring love back into the home and kitchen.

Inside the Male Body Image

Andrew Walen, Executive Director of the Body Image Center talks about male body image and eating disorders.

  1. How do men and women compare in eating disorders?
  2. How is the male drive for muscularity the equivalent to the female drive for thinness?
  3. What would you attribute most male eating disorders to?
  4. What type of prevention training is needed to quickly identify an eating disorder?
  5. How can people normalize the male experience of talking about their emotions?
  6. What can we do to avoid self- destructive behaviors and teach female audiences that males are just as susceptible to similar insecurities?

Ways to Effectively Confront

Robin Perry Braun discusses ways to effectively confront.

  1. Why should we confront
  2. Why is it important to learn ways to confront
  3. What are some suggestions