One Life Radio

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#804 Jul 12th 2018 - "How to Live Without Regret" - "Squats 101"

How to Live Without Regret

Kip Watson gives us some tips on how to live your life to the fullest!

  1. Unfortunately, this is a common tail…people getting to the end of their life and they feel regret… how come?
  2. Tell us about the self-discrepancy theory? There is an actual self…an ideal self…and an ought self… what’s the difference?
  3. What can we learn from those who are facing death?
  4. So, our deepest regrets are tied to inaction? But what do we do with duty and responsibility?
  5. What’s the bottom line in living without regret?

Squats 101

Ron Incerta talks about squatting 101!

  1. Where should our toes be pointing? In? Out? Forward? - It depends.
  2. How wide should you stand?
  3. What about load positioning? Goblet? Shoulder? Back and front rack?