One Life Radio

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Maura Davies - Wild Animal Encounter, Faye Elahi - Supplements, Shawn Wells - 4 Labs that You Need NOW #805 July 13th, 2018

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Maura Davies, Fate Elahi, and Shawn Wells

How to Handle a Wild Animal Encounter

Maura Davies gives us 5 tips on how to handle a wild animal encounter while on vacation!

Which of Your Nutrient Supplements are Going to Waste

Morale of the recent research on effectiveness of nutrition supplements is that the extra healing power of food cannot be replaced with pills because foods in their natural form come with the proper digestive enzymes that help break down the different beneficial components of foods like broccoli! Faye Elahi talks about the nutrient supplements in your cabinet that may be going to waste.

4 Labs that You Need NOW!

Shawn Wells talks about the 4 labs you should track quarterly to see your current health status and likelihood of getting any chronic diseases!