#806 Jul 16th 2018 - "It's not ADHD, it's Sleep Apnea in Disguise" - "Acupuncture" - "Plastic Straws Bend to Criticism"


It's not ADHD, it's Sleep Apnea in Disguise

Unlike adults, who become tired with inadequate rest, children tend to experience hyperactivity when sleep is disrupted. Unexpected behavioral changes, hyperactivity, aggression, crying and inappropriate behavior, are often misdiagnosed as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or Autistic Spectrum Disorder in children. Sleep expert, Dr. Jerald Simmons talks about the rise of misdiagnoses.


acupunctureDr. Leonid Gordin talks about the benefits of acupuncture!

  1. What is acupuncture?
  2. What are some of the benefits?
  3. Are there any potential dangers?
  4. What happens when needles are inserted?
  5. What conditions do you find acupuncture most helpful for?

Plastic Straws Bend to Criticism

Stephanie Toups talks about the new plastic straw ban!

  1. How much plastic is entering the ocean every year?
  2. What started this environmental progressive movement?
  3. What companies have made to decision to ditch the plastic straws?
  4. What are some alternatives to plastic straws?

#807 Jul 17th 2018 - "Tips for the First Few Weeks of Keto" - "EMF's, Anxiety, and Depression"


Maura Davies - Wild Animal Encounter, Faye Elahi - Supplements, Shawn Wells - 4 Labs that You Need NOW #805 July 13th, 2018