One Life Radio

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#808 Jul 18th 2018 - "Food is the Solution" - "The National Hemp Association" - "The Bro Science of Getting HUGE"

Food is the Solution

In Food Is the Solution, Matthew Prescott, Senior Food Policy Director for the Humane Society and a leader in the environmental food movement, shows how our plates have the power to heal the world.

The National Hemp Association

Erica McBride, Executive Director of the National Hemp Association talks about the latest updates on the hemp laws.

  1. What is the difference between hemp and marijuana?
  2. What do you think of the Farm Bill just passed by the Senate? Does it go far enough?
  3. What was the role played by your organization in this process?
  4. What are the implications for American farmers?
  5. What are some of the future markets for hemp?
  6. Why was hemp illegal in the first place?

The Bro Science of Getting HUGE with Daniel Tague

Daniel Tague gives some tips on how to get some HUGE muscles!

  1. Is it true that you just need to lift heavy and as hard as you can to get bigger/ gain muscle?
  2. How can everyone get huge?
  3. If someone wants to get bigger and put on more muscle what is the safest and most efficient way?