One Life Radio

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#816 Jul 30th 2018 - "Food is the Solution: Top 3 Recipes" - How to Make Compost Tea!

Food is the Solution: Top 3 Recipes

food is the solutionMatthew Prescott jumps back on the air to talk about his top 3 favorite recipes from his book Food is the Solution!

  1. What are the three recipes that you want to highlight today?Wild Mushroom Chili* The chili is a hearty, healthy dish that's naturally meat-free -- no need for beef in order for it to pack a protein punch.Save the Bay Crab Cakes* The Crab Cakes are made out of hearts of palm.* "Clean" plant-based foods can often stand in for meat really well, without the use of so-called "fake meats."Lemon Meringue Pie* The meringue is made out of aquafaba (the whipped liquid leftover from a can of chickpeas) which performs functionally equivalent to egg whites in culinary applications. It's a zero-waste product and (unlike eggs) has no cholesterol and is lighter on the planet.

It's Compost Tea Time!

Autumn Connolly, inventor of Ether Elixir talks about compost and how you can make compost tea.

  1. For our listeners... What is compost?
  2. What the heck is compost tea?
  3. Why not just use dry compost?
  4. Can I make it myself?
  5. Does it smell bad?