#817 July 31st, 2018 - Sunlighten, Conscious Parenting, Addiction in Relationships


Brooke Basaldua talks about the benefits of Sunlighten infrared sauna's!

  1. For our listeners... can you give us a brief overview of infrared? What is it and why is it beneficial?

  2. I want to know the history! How and where was infrared sauna therapy discovered?

  3. What are some of the main reasons people need or use infrared saunas?

  4. How long is a typical session? Can you have more than one session a day?

  5. Can children use the sauna?

  6. Can you use an infrared sauna while you are pregnant?

  7. Will the sauna heat up whatever room you put it in?

Conscious Parenting

Dr. Gabriel Cousens talks about conscious parenting!

  1. What does it mean to be a "Conscious Parent"?

  2. What are the great parenting challenges facing people today, and how can those challenges be overcome?

  3. How important is diet for children, and what do you recommend?

  4. What is your best advice to today's Conscious Parents?

Addiction in Relationships

Family counselor, Julie Wesley talks about the damages that addiction can cause in relationships.

  1. What are some of the most common addictions couples go through?

  2. Why does addiction harm a relationship?

  3. What made you interested in working with the couple as a unit instead of the addicted person alone?

  4. What are some of the differences in working with couples that have addiction issues than working with couples that do not?

  5. What made you interested in working with addictions?


Ep. 818 Aug. 1st 2018 - Secrets of a Kosher Girl, Fat but Fit, The Great Germ Swap


#816 Jul 30th 2018 - "Food is the Solution: Top 3 Recipes" - How to Make Compost Tea!