#866 Oct 10th 2018 - "Keto with Dom D'Agostino" - "Men Buy More from Manly Men?" - "Workout Out Barefoot"


Type-1 Diabetes doesn’t just mean one devastating diagnosis it means: 4-8 times the risk for cardiovascular disease, 4 times the risk for cancer, 3.5 times the risk for kidney disease, 80% chance of vision impairment, increased risk for cognitive decline and a life cut short by over a decade. Dr. Dom D'Agostino talks about the benefits of the ketogenic diet for type-1 diabetes! Do men tend to buy more from manly meant?


How to Decrease Stress / Sensory Deprivation with Floating


#865 Oct 9th 2018 - "Aligning with Your True Self" - "Clean Eating" - "Compassion Fatigue"