#874 Oct 22nd 2018 - "Does Divorce Cause or Eliminate Drama?" - "Anatomy of an Epidemic" - "What's REALLY in dairy?"


For some, divorce can be a new beginning. For others, it's a whole new world of drama... Tune in as Debbie Campbell talks about the aftermath of divorce!Robert Whitaker joins us again to discuss his book "Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America".With the rise of dairy intolerances, new 'milk's' are hitting the market left and right. Almond, soy, coconut, rice, what's next?! Autumn Connolly talks all about the dairy industry and what is REALLY in milk.


#875 Oct 23rd 2018 - "Seasonal Flu Shot" - "How to Cook for Your Family and Reduce Fast Food Intake"


Maura Davies - "Saying Goodbye to Your Pet" and Shawn Wells - "Artificial Sweeteners" #873 October 19th, 2018