Ep. 890 Nov. 13th 2018 - Professional Cuddling, Exercise as Medicine, Hookup Culture


Alejandro Murillo, the 'Cuddlist' talks about professional cuddling and the benefits of touch therapy!Health and Nutrition Coach, Jill Lane discusses exercise as medicine. How much exercise do we really need? Tune in to hear Jill's best tips!What is the hookup culture? Is it limited to millennials? Who is contributing to this culture? Robin Perry Braun gives some insight on how to steer clear of the hook up culture.


Eileen Iorio - The HPV Vaccine on Trial, Elizabeth Albert and Daniel Tague - Gym Mind Games Ep. 891 Nov. 14th, 2018


#889 Nov 12th 2018 - "A Company of Owners: Maximizing Employee Engagement" - "What Pregnant Women Want Men to Know"