Fostering During the Holidays, Fighter Pilot Yogi, Cholesterol, Holiday Travel #906

Have you ever thought about fostering a pet? Did you know the SPCA has a number of animals with serious health issues, some even terminal. These special fosters help these pets in the last days of their lives. Maura Davies, VP of Communications talks about fostering an ill pet during the holidays and how rewarding it can be. 

Liz Corwin talks about her experience as a fighter pilot and how she uses mindfulness and yoga to get through intense work.

Dr. Jonny Bowden talks about the new cholesterol guidelines.

Daniel Tague continues his segment on holiday travel.


Dr. Will Cole - Ketotarian, Dr. Lisa Mosconi - Brain Foods Fermented Foods, Autumn Connolly - Benefits of Fermented Foods #907


#905 "Being More Social to Decrease Loneliness" - "Are you a Workaholic?"