Neil Z. Miller - Aluminum in Vaccines and Kip Watson - Why Therapy Might Not Be Working #1014

Aluminum in vaccines

Aluminum is an adjuvant that is added to multiple vaccines in the current vaccine schedule. Aluminum is also a known neurotoxin. The science goes back and forth on how much aluminum exposure is considered 'safe' but exposure and injection are two very different things. Neil Z. Miller's book, "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies" summarizes real scientific studies on vaccines. His chapter on aluminum will shock you. Today he joins us to talk about some of the lies  the medical community tells about the safety of vaccines. The FDA says thats exceeding a certain amount of Aluminum exposure will result in negative health impacts. And we are injecting it into our newborn babies. If anything, this episode and Neil's book will have you thinking twice before vaccinating.Kip Watson is a licensed professional counselor and a certified High Performance Coach, so this topic is her forte. When people seek therapy it is to better themselves, but sometimes there are other issues at bay keeping you from getting there. Finding the right therapist is a huge factor on whether or not therapy actually working for you. As well, the therapist holds a responsibility to help you get better or reach a goal and they have to hold up their end.


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