Aug 28th 2017 - Belly Fat - Autism - Immune System


Today we talk with Dr. Brad Dieter about belly fat and its potential link to cancer, we talk with Marilyn Wedge about "virtual autism", and we talk with Jill Lane about getting the immune system back to school.  Here are some questions we ask Marilyn Wedge in regards to links between the use of technology and early child autism.

  1. How has the rate of autism diagnosis changed in the last forty years?
  2. What accounts for the rising rate of autism diagnoses?
  3. How much "screen time" is healthy for young children?
  4. How does extended hours of screen time affect a child's cognitive development?

Here are some questions we ask Jill Lane about The Top Things Parents Can do to get their Kids (Student Athletes) Immune System Ready for "Back to School” Goal #1 not get sickGoal #2 if they get sick that they don’t get it as bad or for as long 

  1. Fuel the Immune System with Food
    1. Protein
    2. Veggies
    3. Hydration
    4. Purposely eat nuts and seeds high in zinc and mineral like pumpkin seeds and raw walnuts and almonds
    5. Purposely eat foods high in Vit C…most veggies and fruit but especially organic bell peppers, citrus fruits and broccoli
  2. Support Sleep / Recovery
    1. Set up a successful sleep environment = dark, cool and quite room
    2. Shut down electronics as far as possible before bed and if any are in the room at night put on airplane mode (melatonin)
    3. Consider Epsom salt baths and / or magnesium supplementation at night and ‘kid tea’ if your athlete/child has trouble relaxing at night to fall asleep
  3. Do a gut check
    1. Does your child have health bowel habits? Are they gassy, or bloated or do they suffer from constipation and or diarrhea?
    2. Add a dairy free probiotic
    3. Bump up fiber and hydration
    4. The baths also help with this
    5. Consider removing top offending foods like dairy and wheat temporarily to see if this reduces symptoms
  4. Chiropractic and essential oils
    1. Nervous system innervates the entire body – find a good DC in your area that works with families and kids and at first sign of something, get a adjustment – in fact consider getting a tune up each week.
    2. Essential oils like clove, lemon, eucalyptus and rosemary (and thieves) have some anti microbial properties…so diffusing them or diluting them and applying to the bottom of the feet can support healthy immune function
  5. Good ole fashion good hygiene
    1. Washing hands!
    2. If you must use a hand sanitizer, make sure it is triclosan free…possibly one with an alcohol or essential oil base



Aug 29th 2017 - Allergies - Natural Disasters


Aug 25th 2017 - Disaster and Pets - ProBiotics - Harmful Plastics