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Aug 7th 2017- Mediterranean Diet - Probiotics and Children

Today we talk with Dr. Brad Dieter about the Mediterranean diet and we talk with Autumn Warren about probiotics for you babies and children.Below is an excerpt from this article.probiotics "We’ve long heard that the Mediterranean Diet is how all of us should eat. The diet, inspired by the coastal cuisine of countries like Greece, Italy and southern France, is characterized by its abundant portions of fruits and vegetables, frequent meals of fish and poultry, use of olive oil and spices for seasoning, and red wine in moderation. Red meat and butter are limited, and grains are mostly whole. The diet has been studied for its effects on heart disease, weight loss, cancer, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. And it’s arguably a more pleasurable way of eating than, say, the strict Paleo and Ketogenic diets, or the faddish but not necessarily effective low-carbohydrate diet.But it won’t work if you’re poor."Autumn Warren is the inventor of Ether Elixir, she is brilliant! Here is some transcription from her interview.Bernadette: Everybody does. Okay. And so, let's talk about this. So, having good gut flora helps with...Autumn: All kinds of stuff. It's the "cure all." You know, you're talking about your brother with schizophrenia with any sort of mental disease. You've got a nerve in your body that's actually connected directly from your brain stem to your abdomen. It's called the vagus nerve. And it's thought's believed that the gut microbes actually communicate through neurotransmitters all the way from your abdomen to the gut.So, you know, like, when you get butterflies in your stomach, you know, that's a bad feeling. It's, you know, part intuition, part this. But your body is a living organism and it's not just human cells that are living within it. It's, you know, a whole different ecosystem of different microbes. So they're actually communicating with your brain.So in any sort of mental disease, the communication that's coming from them are resulting in hormones that cause stress like cortisol. And what you need the good bacteria, the good yeast, they send messages that increase the hormones that are related for happy feelings. Like any sort of oxytocin or any sort of serotonin, anything that has a "feel good", happy vibe.Those are natural byproducts of those...of probiotics. Whereas the bad ones, they have less desired chemical reactions that can cause mental distress....