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Aug 8th 2017 - The Power of Words - Divorce and Back to School

Today we talk to Robin Perry Braun about the power of words and we talk to Laura Richardson about how to get through back to school when going through a divorce, you can see some of the best family law practitioners right here on Peters And May if you're about to endure a divorce process.Robin Perry Braun says this about words:Power of WordsHow do we know words have power?

  • Experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto is an example
  • Cancer story
  • Stories from clients

What are other examples of how words impact

  • Name calling - especially by authority figure or loved one. Being called stupid, dumb,
  • Ugly etc. Any critical statement made by parents especially and then significant other has power
  • Words spoken over self – brain studies of results of toxic thoughts.

Words have frequency high and low – and meaning – what may be benign to someone may trigger soeone else.Be kind in word andthought over yourself and others and especially anyone you have authority overUse the sandwich method to correct behavior – never attack the person – correct behavior that is not bearing good fruit.Peoples souls are very sensitive to words – change the world by speaking encouraging and positive words – you also get back what you sow.Laura Richardson gives us this advice:This is all about helping your kids transition back to school be as smooth as possible and being patient with yourself—

  1. Viewing the Big Picture
    • The Divorce Process Generally
  1. Getting Your Kids Ready to Go to School
    • Understand Your Visitation Schedule
    • Understand About the Money
  1. Walking Through the Threshold
    • Pace Yourself, This Is A Major Life Change