Aug 9th 2017 - Raising your Set Point - Exercise - MicroChipping


Today we talk with Ryan Lowery about exercise as a weight loss method, we talk with Daniel Tague about raising your set point, and we talk with Rosalie Robinson about micro-chipping at work.Ryan Lowery refers to this article which talks about specific exercises decreasing your appetite which in turn help with weight loss.Here is a Q & A with Daniel Tague:

  1. What is a set point?
    • Point right now for maximum force the muscle can handle
      1. If you exceed your set point muscle inhibition will occur (muscle shuts down)
    • Maximum Threshold
      1. The max amount to stress/ load a muscle can take before severe injury may accrue (rupture)
    • Minimum threshold
      1. If the minimum is not met can cause cell death and atrophy
    • Set point going down is the downward progression that we associate with aging
    • Raising the set point will widen the maximal physiological operating window
  1. How do you raise it?
    • By raising the contractile ability of each muscle
      1. Isometrics
      2. Muscle treatment MAT
      3. Lifting
  1. How do you know you have raised it?
    • If it can take more stress and not shut down
      1. Workout longer and harder with more load without muscles shutting down
    • Active improved range of motion and muscle testing.

Rosalie Robinson talks about the pros and cons of businesses chipping their employees, what do you think?micro chipping


Dr. Jonny Bowden - โ€œ150 Healthiest Foods on Earthโ€, Kip Watson - Anxiety and Transitions Aug 10th, 2017


Aug 8th 2017 - The Power of Words - Divorce and Back to School