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Diana K. Rice - Baby-Led Weaning and <a href="">Von Eaglin</a> - Signs that Your Relationship is Over #991

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Diana K. Rice and Von Eaglin

 Diana K. Rice work focuses on nutrition for the messy intersection of pregnancy, postpartum health and feeding tiny humans. When we become parents we really start to understand how the food we eat is so important to our health and development. We are always growing, changing, and adapting, so we have to nourish our bodies so well, especially our babies.There are so many different views and opinions on when to start solids, how to start, and whether or not you feed them or let them feed themselves. Science and data seems to go back and forth. But today Diana talks to us about doing a process called baby-led weaning (you can learn more about this at This allows you to open up your dining table to your tiny human and let them feed themselves and be apart of the family time. Baby-led weaning is definitely becoming the most popular way of transitioning your baby to solids, but there are still precautions and milestones you need to look for with your baby.It's psychology day with our favorite relationships counselor, Von Eaglin. Today we focus on signs that your relationship is over...womp womp womp (Debbie downer.) But this is an extremely important topic, especially for those out there that tend to stay in toxic, unhealthy relationships. Whether it be just for the companionship, or for the kids, you should always leave an unhealthy relationship. Von talks about when you should ABSOLUTELY call it quits, and when you can still try and mend a relationship