Beauty Sick, Making and Keeping Your New Year's Resolution #1145

Beauty SickIn today's episode we talk with Dr. Renee Engeln, PhD, about her book "Beauty Sick" and we talk with Dr. Mike McFarland about making and keeping your New Year's resolution.

Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women

Dr. Renee Engeln is a psychologist and body image expert. She gave a TEDx talk on the epidemic of beauty sickness, which has since been viewed over half a million times. Her book, Beauty Sick, picks up where Dr. Engeln left off in her talk; displaying her findings in an accessible voice and presenting scientific studies along with the stories of 21 real girls and women who experience beauty sickness firsthand.She joins us today to talk about her book and how extreme beauty sickness is in our world today. Dr. Engeln gives us some shocking statistics on how many young girls struggle with their appearance and comparison to other women. Social media plays a huge role in influencing how women feel they need to look, dress, and act. However, women are fighting back against this beauty sickness and Dr. Engeln tells us how. This book is inspiring, knowledgeable, and empowering.

Making and Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

Dr. Mike McFarland is a licensed psychologist who specializes in the treatment of body image and eating disorders, identity issues, career counseling, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders. Today we talk about the upcoming New Year and how to make and keep your resolutions. Every year is the same for a lot of people, they think of a great resolution and end up following through for only a short period of time.Dr. Mike talks with us about how to create a realistic resolution that you can stick with. Also, we talk about how we feel when we fail, and what to do when that happens. We are imperfect people, and we cannot expect perfection in life. So learning how to get back on track when we stray a little is going to help us keep those resolutions throughout the whole year.


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