Beth Reeder Johnson on Beliefs and DeWone Bennett on Cheating #931
When a partner is caught cheating, do our core beliefs come into play in how we deal with the infidelity? When we are faced with stress, depression, anxiety, and an onslaught of negativity in our culture, can our individual beliefs make a difference? Beth Reeder Johnson says YES! There is a direct correlation to what we truly believe about ourselves and how we deal with certain situations. These beliefs are learned from our parents, church, teachers, friends and relatives. What we're told growing up is not who we are. We have the power to change our core beliefs about ourselves. The first step is recognizing what they are. Johnson gives us some great tips on how to recognize our beliefs and how to start changing our mindset to deal with current situations and stressors more effectively.
DeWone Bennett on infidelity One Life Radio
Your core beliefs are so instrumental when it comes to current relationships. If you have been cheated on, or if you've cheated, you want to hear this. DeWone Bennett discusses reasons for infidelity and what to do if and when your partner cheats. Can a relationship withstand infidelity? And, how do you learn to trust your partner moving forward? Get the male and female perspective when DeWone and Bernadette share their views on cheating.