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Brain Codes, Addiction During a Pandemic

Kip Watson on One Life RadioOne of our favorite long-time guests is on the show today, Kip Watson. She starts the conversation talking about brain codes. There are 16 total, but we're going over five.

  1. Cautious brain code - these individuals have heightened activity in the anxiety part of the brain. They have low levels of GABA, which you can purchase over the counter and is needed for calm. Cautious people have a heightened sense of wanting to be in control. They are the ones buying all the toilet paper!
  2. Sensitive Response - Sensitive coded individuals tend to have great apathy for others. But, they are overwhelmed by everything and everyone. Helping everyone may be a trait, or they may totally isolate. Sadly they have a "glass half empty" feeling. Sensitive response people are prone to depression and bipolar disorder.

For these two brain codes, Watson recommends staying away from sugar and alcohol. Try green tea, magnesium supplements and fatty foods like avocados. Listen to the show to hear more about three more brain codes. She also recommends doing the Myers-Briggs personality test to see where you fall, along with ways for you to deal with situations based on your personality type.Next, Watson discusses dealing with addiction during a pandemic. There has been a huge rise in alcohol sales since the country has been under self-quarantine. People are addicted for a number of reasons. Many influences come into play with addictions. Addicts must dig deep to find the influences that affect them and then they can begin to deal with their addiction. If you are struggling, you can find a number of free support group meetings online. Just remember it's one day at a time.Watson elaborates on overeating, or "emotional eating" brought on by stress, boredom or both. If you're reaching for the cookies and chips during the pandemic, you may be increasing your stress level with these foods. Watson recommends having cut veggies or nuts on-hand instead. When you get to a place where you can't stop overeating, that's the time to reach out for help.Thanks for listening to One Life Radio! We love and appreciate all of our One Life Radio listeners. Take some time to figure out your brain code, and please let us know what you find out! Email us at, last-but-not-least, thank you to our wonderful sponsors: Sunwarrior, Enviromedica, NED, STS Health, Paleo Magazine, the Well Being Journal and VEGWORLD Magazine.