Chris Gronkowski - Parenting, Michelle and Keith Norris - Paleo f(x) 2022 Primal Uprising #1713

It’s WORKOUT WEDNESDAY brought to you by IceShaker and Sunwarrior. Chris Gronkowski joins us to talk about parenting and his new You Tube show, “The Flip Zone”. Chris currently has three boys with a girl on the way in June. He gets a lot of his parenting skills from his parents, and he’s sharing some of the lessons he’s learned with our listeners. We also hear about the Gronkowski brothers’ new You Tube show, “The Flip Zone”. It’s an interactive game show format where you can decide on the “dare” for the brother in last place! Be sure to check it out and comment.

Keith and Michelle Norris, the founders of Paleo f(x), the largest Paleo event in the world, join us next. They are also the co-authors of, “Primal Uprising: The Paleo f(x) Guide to Optimizing Your Health, Expanding Your Mind, and Reclaiming Your Freedom”, launching during Paleo f(x) 2022. The event is back, live and in person from April 29th - May 1st. Keith and Michelle talk about the event and it’s theme, “Primal Uprising”. Get your passes today, AND get an EXTRA 10% off with code OLR10. We can’t wait!

Thank you to all of our One Life Radio listeners. We truly appreciate each and every one of you. If you’d like to hear more from One Life Radio, please subscribe to our podcast.

Do you have any hot ideas or burning questions? Bernadette loves hearing from listeners! Email us at


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