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WORKOUT WEDNESDAY Chris Gronkowski - Working Out with a New Baby, Kulreet Chaudhary, MD - Sound Medicine #1789

It’s WORKOUT WEDNESDAY brought to you by IceShaker and Sunwarrior. Chris Gronkowski joins us to talk about how he fits in his workouts with his NEW BABY! Chris always makes time for his workout, even if it means getting up at 4:30am. He also fits in workouts when walking or playing with the kids. Listen to hear many more tips for getting in a workout with a new baby. And, don’t forget your IceShaker this summer! Now in 1/2 gallon and gallon sizes. Check them out here.

Next, Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary joins us again, but this time we’re talking about sound healing from her book, “Sound Medicine.” Dr. Chaudhary ​​says a vibration that travels through air, water, and solids, sound is produced by all matter, and is a fundamental part of every species' survival. But there is a hidden power within sound that has only just begun to be investigated. She explains how different types of sound impact the human body and brain uniquely, and explores the physiological effects of sound vibration, from altering mood to healing disease. Learn more about Dr. Chaudhary, and order her book here.

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