WORKOUT WEDNESDAY Chris Gronkowski - Getting “Beach Body Ready”, Michael Matthews - Muscle for Life #1699

It’s WORKOUT WEDNESDAY brought to you by IceShaker and Sunwarrior! Chris Gronkowski, founder of IceShaker, joins us with his methods for getting beach-body ready. This means, feeling good, healthy and happy. He has a great incentive - the Gronkowski brothers Vegas beach party coming up soon. It’s best to have a goal, set a plan and stick to it. And, don’t forget your pre- and post workout shakes!  Chris and Ice Shaker are offering One Life Radio listeners 20% off all products on Just use the code OLR at checkout!

Our next guest is Mike Matthews. Mike is a certified personal trainer and bestselling author of “Bigger Leaner Stronger” and “Muscle for Life”. His books have sold over a million copies, and his work has been featured in a number of publications including Women’s HealthMen’s HealthMuscle & StrengthElleEsquire, and more. Mike is also the founder of Legion Athletics. Today we’re talking about how to stay motivated to build muscle at any age. Learn more about Mike and his innovative approach to working out at

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