Dr. Al's Cancer Fight - COVID-19 Vaccine

One Life Radio episode 1240

We have an amazing show today with a COVID-19 vaccine update from Texans for Vaccine Choice, and a wonderful report from Dr. Al Danenberg regarding his latest PET scan.

Update on a COVID-19 Vaccine in Texas

Here is a recap of our discussion with Jackie Schlegel of Texans for Vaccine Choice.Can you tell us about your recent letter to Governor Abbott?In his April 17 press conference, Gov. Abbott mentioned several times that Texas would not get back to normal until the vaccine was available. He emphasized testing, alluding to the possibility that testing results might be needed in order to return back into society. Our letter asked him to clarify 2 of his positions:

  • A negative COVID-19 test will not be required for Texans to return to work and other activities.

  • The state will not mandate that any Texas residents receive a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition to return to work, maintain/obtain employment, attend school or childcare, or access state services.

According to Schlegel, although Texas has a strong history of honoring its citizens' right to make medical decisions without government intrusion, we are seeing an unfortunate trend of policy makers cross lines and take uncharacteristic actions. It is this trend, combined with his remarks, that have many Texans concerned over the policies the state may enact regarding COVID-19 testing and vaccination.Abbott has scaled back his vaccine rhetoric since the letter. But at the same time, he has not taken a strong stance clarifying his position.Schlegel says the most important call-to-action any of us can do is to take responsibility for the health and wellness of ourselves and our family. No matter what your stance is on vaccines, it’s our rights as Texans and as humans to decide what we do for our health.Listen to the entire interview, or visit the Texans for Vaccine Choice website for more information.

Dr. Al Danenberg Beats Cancer...Maybe?

Next we have a wonderful update from Dr. Al Danenberg. We've been with him during a 21-month long fight with bone marrow cancer. He's on today to tell us about his most recent PET scan and the news that he is clear of cancer!His story is truly inspirational for those with cancer, their loved ones and really anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle. He tells us about the ups and downs, how he decided on his treatment and much more.Dr. Danenberg has offered to send his treatment protocol to interested listeners. Just email info@oneliferadio.com with “Dr. Al’s Protocol” in the header and we’ll send it to you. You can also visit his website for more information, or go to his bio page on our website.As always, thank you to our wonderful guests, all of our lovely One Life Radio listeners and our fabulous sponsors!


Maura Davies - COVID-19 Puppy Scams and Sam Morris -"Fixing" Ourselves


Dr. Jen Myers