Dating a Narcissist, Understanding Your Moods #1012

NarcissistTaylor Swift's song, "Dear John" is perfectly written about a relationship that we believe was with a narcissist. Robin Perry Braun is a holistic energy practitioner and she joins us today to walk through the lyrics of this song and show how it reflects narcissistic behavior. A relationship can be tricky because when you are getting to know someone, sometimes it takes a while to see their true colors. Narcissists are usually very charming and will make you feel like you are their whole world, and then it's like they flip the script and keep you walking on eggshells. You start waiting for the good side of that person to come back and it slowly begins to fade away. They will also make you feel trapped and guilty if you try to leave. Robin talks to us about where and why narcissists are the way they are. And she tells us what you should do if you find yourself in a relationship with one. Jill Lane and Bernadette talked about the book "The Mood Cure" last week and did a questionnaire to see what hormones they may be low in. Jill continues this conversation and talks about supplementing and where to start. She also talks to us about getting back to basics and eating food that will fuel your mood. Most times when we are emotional, on edge, experience brain fog, or just feel blah, it is the food we are eating that may need tweaking. Jill is an expert in nutrition for optimum performance and she gives us the goods on what we should be doing with our diets. 


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