Dec 14th 2017 - The Secret Life Of Your Microbiome - The Chatterbox - Psychology Behind Exercise


The Secret Life of Your Microbiome: Why Nature & Biodiversity are Essential to Health & Happiness!

Dr. Alan Logan gives us a deeper understanding of his book The Secret Life of Your Microbiome.

The Chatterbox

Kip Watson talks about her book club pick of the month, Crash the Chatterbox by Steven Furtick, and how we can crash our own chatterboxes inside our heads.

The Gym...ugh

What keeps you from getting to the gym? How does our gut microbiome relate to our motivation for working out? Ron Incerta, owner of Oakfit, talks about the psychology and nutrition behind a good workout.


Maura Davies - Holiday Pet Safety, Dr. Mike Fenster - Atherosclerosis, Shawn Wells - MS and Gut Microbiome December 15th, 2017


Dec 13th 2017 - High Blood Pressure & Salt - Discipline = Freedom - Gift Ideas For Holiday Parties!